feature = "dtls-rpk",
doc = r##"
Creating and connecting a client-side session with DTLS RPK configured:
use libcoap_rs::CoapContext;
use libcoap_rs::crypto::pki_rpk::{NonCertVerifying, PkiRpkContextBuilder, Rpk, RpkKeyDef};
use libcoap_rs::session::{CoapClientSession, CoapSession};
// RPK is only supported if the key is provided as a byte array in memory, providing file paths
// directly is unsupported.
let client_private_key = Vec::from(include_str!("../../../resources/test-keys/client/client.key.pem"));
let client_public_key = Vec::from(include_str!("../../../resources/test-keys/client/client.pub.pem"));
// Create key definition.
let client_key_def = RpkKeyDef::with_pem_memory(client_public_key, client_private_key);
// Create the cryptography context. Note that you might have to explicitly specify that
// PKI certificate validation should not be performed, even though enabling it while passing a
// RPK key definition is impossible due to a lack of a constructor for
// `PkiRpkContextBuilder<Rpk, CertVerifying>`.
// This is a type system limitation.
let crypto_ctx = PkiRpkContextBuilder::<_, NonCertVerifying>::new(client_key_def);
let key_validator = |asn1_public_key: &[u8], session: &CoapSession, validated: bool| {
if !validated {
} else {
// Here, you would add code to validate that the peer's public key is actually the one you
// expect, and return either true (accept key) or false (reject key).
// `asn1_encoded_key` should be the certificate structure defined in
// [RFC 7250, section 3](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7250#section-3), which you
// might be able to parse with crates like
// [x509-cert](https://docs.rs/x509-cert/latest/x509_cert/index.html) and
// [spki](https://docs.rs/spki/0.7.3/spki/index.html) to obtain and match the
// SubjectPublicKeyInformation encoded within.
// Instead of using a lambda like this, you could also implement `RpkValidator` on any
// arbitrary type of your choice, e.g., a structure containing a storage of allowed public
// keys.
# true
// Set the RPK validator and build the context.
let crypto_ctx = crypto_ctx.rpk_validator(key_validator).build();
let mut coap_ctx = CoapContext::new().expect("unable to create CoAP context");
let session = CoapClientSession::connect_dtls(&mut coap_ctx, "example.com:5684".parse().unwrap(), crypto_ctx);
// The session might not be immediately established, but you can already create and send
// requests as usual after this point.
// To check for errors and/or disconnections, you might want to call and check the return value
// of `session.state()` occasionally.
// For error handling, you might also want to register an event handler with the CoAP context.
// Remaining code omitted for brevity, see the crate-level docs for a full example of client
// operation.
Creating a server that supports DTLS RPK configured:
use libcoap_rs::CoapContext;
use libcoap_rs::crypto::pki_rpk::{NonCertVerifying, PkiRpkContextBuilder, Rpk, RpkKeyDef};
use libcoap_rs::session::{CoapClientSession, CoapSession};
fn key_validator(asn1_public_key: &[u8], session: &CoapSession, validated: bool) -> bool {
// Here, you would add code to validate that the peer's public key is actually the one you
// expect, and return either true (accept key) or false (reject key).
// `asn1_encoded_key` should be the certificate structure defined in
// [RFC 7250, section 3](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7250#section-3), which you
// might be able to parse with crates like
// [x509-cert](https://docs.rs/x509-cert/latest/x509_cert/index.html) and
// [spki](https://docs.rs/spki/0.7.3/spki/index.html) to obtain and match the
// SubjectPublicKeyInformation encoded within.
// Instead of using a function like this, you could also implement `RpkValidator` on any
// arbitrary type of your choice, e.g., a structure containing a storage of allowed public
// keys.
# true
// RPK is only supported if the key is provided as a byte array in memory, providing file paths
// directly is unsupported.
let server_private_key = Vec::from(include_str!("../../../resources/test-keys/server/server.key.pem"));
let server_public_key = Vec::from(include_str!("../../../resources/test-keys/server/server.pub.pem"));
// Create key definition.
let server_key_def = RpkKeyDef::with_pem_memory(server_public_key, server_private_key);
// Create the cryptography context. Note that you might have to explicitly specify that
// PKI certificate validation should not be performed, even though enabling it while passing a
// RPK key definition is impossible due to a lack of a constructor for
// `PkiRpkContextBuilder<Rpk, CertVerifying>`.
// This is a type system limitation.
let crypto_ctx = PkiRpkContextBuilder::<_, NonCertVerifying>::new(server_key_def);
// Set the RPK validator and build the context.
let crypto_ctx = crypto_ctx.rpk_validator(key_validator).build();
let mut coap_ctx = CoapContext::new().expect("unable to create CoAP context");
coap_ctx.add_endpoint_dtls("[::1]:5684".parse().unwrap()).expect("unable to create DTLS endpoint");
// For error handling, you might want to register an event handler with the CoAP context.
// Remaining code omitted for brevity, see the crate-level docs for a full example of server
// operation.
feature = "dtls-pki",
doc = r##"
Creating and connecting a client-side session with DTLS PKI configured:
use std::ffi::{c_uint, CStr};
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use libcoap_rs::CoapContext;
use libcoap_rs::crypto::pki_rpk::{CertVerifying, PkiKeyDef, PkiRpkContextBuilder};
use libcoap_rs::session::{CoapClientSession, CoapSession};
use std::ffi::CString;
// Paths to private key and certificate.
// The certificate may also contain intermediates. However, they might *not* be provided to the
// peer (i.e., the peer might have to already know all intermediates beforehand in order for
// validation to succeed).
let client_private_key = "../../../resources/test-keys/client/client.key.pem";
let client_public_cert = "../../../resources/test-keys/client/client.crt.pem";
// Create key definition.
// Note: the first argument (`ca_cert`) is not used to send intermediates and root certificates
// to the peer (unlike what you might expect if you have experience setting up HTTP servers).
// It is exclusively used to determine a list of CA names that a server will provide to a client
// to indicate to it which certificates it should send.
// For client-side operation, `ca_cert` is not used.
let client_key_def = PkiKeyDef::with_pem_files(
// The name of the server we want to connect to.
let server_name = "example.com";
// Validator function for certificate common names.
// Typically, this function should have the following behavior:
// - If !validated, something went wrong during TLS-level certificate checks, so reject.
// - If depth == 0, we are checking the client certificate, whose common name should equal the
// server name we want to connect to, return the equality check result.
// - If depth > 0, we are checking an intermediate or root CA certificate. As we usually trust
// all CAs in the trust store and validation of those is already performed by the TLS library,
// always accept.
let c_server_name = CString::new(server_name).unwrap();
let cn_validator = |
cn: &CStr,
asn1_public_cert: &[u8],
session: &CoapSession,
depth: c_uint,
validated: bool| {
if !validated {
} else if depth == 0 {
cn == c_server_name.as_c_str()
} else {
// Create the cryptography context. Note that you must explicitly specify whether
// PKI certificate validation should be performed using the context builder's generics.
let crypto_ctx = PkiRpkContextBuilder::<_, CertVerifying>::new(client_key_def)
// Provide the server with a Server Name Indication (might be required by
// some servers to use the right certificate).
// Use the CN validator we defined earlier.
// Enable certificate chain validation (in case you have intermediate CAs) and set
// verification depth (recommended value here is 3).
let mut coap_ctx = CoapContext::new().expect("unable to create CoAP context");
let session = CoapClientSession::connect_dtls(
&mut coap_ctx,
SocketAddr::new(server_name.parse().expect("error in name resolution"), 5684),
// The session might not be immediately established, but you can already create and send
// requests as usual after this point.
// To check for errors and/or disconnections, you might want to call and check the return value
// of `session.state()` occasionally.
// For error handling, you might also want to register an event handler with the CoAP context.
// Remaining code omitted for brevity, see the crate-level docs for a full example of client
// operation.
Creating a server that supports DTLS RPK configured:
use std::ffi::{c_uint, CStr};
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use libcoap_rs::CoapContext;
use libcoap_rs::crypto::pki_rpk::{CertVerifying, PkiKeyDef, PkiRpkContextBuilder, KeyDef, Pki};
use libcoap_rs::session::{CoapClientSession, CoapSession};
use std::ffi::CString;
// Paths to private key and certificate.
// The certificate may also contain intermediates. However, they might *not* be provided to the
// peer (i.e., the peer might have to already know all intermediates beforehand in order for
// validation to succeed).
let server_private_key = "../../../resources/test-keys/server/server.key.pem";
let server_public_cert = "../../../resources/test-keys/server/server.crt.pem";
let ca_cert = "../../../resources/test-keys/ca/ca.crt.pem";
// Create key definition.
// Note: the first argument (`ca_cert`) is not used to send intermediates and root certificates
// to the peer (unlike what you might expect if you have experience setting up HTTP servers).
// It is exclusively used to determine a list of CA names that a server will provide to a client
// to indicate to it which certificates it should send.
let server_key_def = PkiKeyDef::with_pem_files(Some(ca_cert), server_public_cert, server_private_key);
// The name of the server we use.
let server_name = "example.com";
// Key provider for Server Name Indications.
// If the client provides a server name using the Server Name Indication extension, this
// callback is called to determine the key the server should use instead of the one provided as
// the default to `PkiRpkContextBuilder::new`.
// Typically, you would want to maintain a map from potential server names to key definitions,
// and return either `Some(Box::new(key))` for the appropriate map entry or `None` if the server
// name is unknown.
let c_server_name = CString::new(server_name).unwrap();
let sni_cb = |sni: &CStr| -> Option<Box<dyn KeyDef<KeyType = Pki>>> {
(sni == c_server_name.as_c_str()).then_some(Box::new(server_key_def.clone()))
// Just like the client, the server may also have a CN validator defined to determine whether
// the common name of the client is acceptable. Here, we omit this validator for brevity.
// Create the cryptography context. Note that you must explicitly specify whether
// PKI certificate validation should be performed using the context builder's generics.
let crypto_ctx = PkiRpkContextBuilder::<_, CertVerifying>::new(server_key_def.clone())
// Enable certificate chain validation (in case you have intermediate CAs) and set
// verification depth (recommended value here is 3).
let mut coap_ctx = CoapContext::new().expect("unable to create CoAP context");
coap_ctx.add_endpoint_dtls("[::1]:5684".parse().unwrap()).expect("unable to create DTLS endpoint");
// For error handling, you might want to register an event handler with the CoAP context.
// Remaining code omitted for brevity, see the crate-level docs for a full example of server
// operation.
mod key;
#[cfg(feature = "dtls-pki")]
mod pki;
#[cfg(feature = "dtls-rpk")]
mod rpk;
use std::{
ffi::{c_char, c_int, c_uint, c_void, CStr, CString, NulError},
fmt::{Debug, Formatter},
rc::{Rc, Weak},
pub use key::*;
use libcoap_sys::{
coap_context_set_pki, coap_context_t, coap_dtls_key_t, coap_dtls_pki_t, coap_new_client_session_pki, coap_proto_t,
#[cfg(feature = "dtls-pki")]
pub use pki::*;
#[cfg(feature = "dtls-rpk")]
pub use rpk::*;
use crate::{
error::{ContextConfigurationError, SessionCreationError},
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum ServerPkiRpkCryptoContext<'a> {
#[cfg(feature = "dtls-pki")]
Pki(PkiRpkContext<'a, Pki>),
#[cfg(feature = "dtls-rpk")]
Rpk(PkiRpkContext<'a, Rpk>),
impl ServerPkiRpkCryptoContext<'_> {
pub(crate) unsafe fn apply_to_context(
ctx: NonNull<coap_context_t>,
) -> Result<(), ContextConfigurationError> {
match self {
#[cfg(feature = "dtls-pki")]
ServerPkiRpkCryptoContext::Pki(v) => v.apply_to_context(ctx),
#[cfg(feature = "dtls-rpk")]
ServerPkiRpkCryptoContext::Rpk(v) => v.apply_to_context(ctx),
pub struct NonCertVerifying;
pub struct CertVerifying;
trait CertVerificationModeSealed {}
pub trait CertVerificationMode: CertVerificationModeSealed {}
impl CertVerificationModeSealed for NonCertVerifying {}
impl CertVerificationModeSealed for CertVerifying {}
impl CertVerificationMode for NonCertVerifying {}
impl CertVerificationMode for CertVerifying {}
pub struct PkiRpkContextBuilder<'a, KTY: KeyType, V: CertVerificationMode> {
ctx: PkiRpkContextInner<'a, KTY>,
verifying: PhantomData<V>,
impl<'a, KTY: KeyType> PkiRpkContextBuilder<'a, KTY, NonCertVerifying> {
pub fn new<K: KeyDef<KeyType = KTY> + 'a>(key: K) -> Self {
let mut result = PkiRpkContextBuilder::<KTY, NonCertVerifying> {
ctx: PkiRpkContextInner {
raw_cfg: Box::new(coap_dtls_pki_t {
verify_peer_cert: 0,
check_common_ca: 0,
allow_self_signed: 0,
allow_expired_certs: 0,
cert_chain_validation: 0,
cert_chain_verify_depth: 0,
check_cert_revocation: 0,
allow_no_crl: 0,
allow_expired_crl: 0,
allow_bad_md_hash: 0,
allow_short_rsa_length: 0,
is_rpk_not_cert: 0,
use_cid: 0,
reserved: Default::default(),
validate_cn_call_back: None,
cn_call_back_arg: std::ptr::null_mut(),
validate_sni_call_back: None,
sni_call_back_arg: std::ptr::null_mut(),
additional_tls_setup_call_back: None,
client_sni: std::ptr::null_mut(),
pki_key: key.as_raw_dtls_key(),
provided_keys: vec![Box::new(key)],
provided_key_descriptors: vec![],
cn_callback: None,
sni_key_provider: None,
client_sni: None,
verifying: Default::default(),
impl<KTY: KeyType, V: CertVerificationMode> PkiRpkContextBuilder<'_, KTY, V> {
pub fn use_cid(mut self, use_cid: bool) -> Self {
self.ctx.raw_cfg.use_cid = use_cid.into();
pub fn client_sni(mut self, client_sni: impl Into<Vec<u8>>) -> Result<Self, NulError> {
let sni = CString::new(client_sni.into())?
self.ctx.client_sni = Some(sni);
self.ctx.raw_cfg.client_sni = self.ctx.client_sni.as_mut().unwrap().as_mut_ptr() as *mut c_char;
impl<KTY: KeyType> PkiRpkContextBuilder<'_, KTY, CertVerifying> {
pub fn check_common_ca(mut self, check_common_ca: bool) -> Self {
self.ctx.raw_cfg.check_common_ca = check_common_ca.into();
pub fn allow_self_signed(mut self, allow_self_signed: bool) -> Self {
self.ctx.raw_cfg.allow_self_signed = allow_self_signed.into();
pub fn allow_expired_certs(mut self, allow_expired_certs: bool) -> Self {
self.ctx.raw_cfg.allow_expired_certs = allow_expired_certs.into();
pub fn cert_chain_validation(mut self, cert_chain_verify_depth: u8) -> Self {
self.ctx.raw_cfg.cert_chain_validation = if cert_chain_verify_depth == 0 { 0 } else { 1 };
self.ctx.raw_cfg.cert_chain_verify_depth = cert_chain_verify_depth;
pub fn check_cert_revocation(mut self, check_cert_revocation: bool) -> Self {
self.ctx.raw_cfg.check_cert_revocation = check_cert_revocation.into();
pub fn allow_no_crl(mut self, allow_no_crl: bool) -> Self {
self.ctx.raw_cfg.allow_no_crl = allow_no_crl.into();
pub fn allow_expired_crl(mut self, allow_expired_crl: bool) -> Self {
self.ctx.raw_cfg.allow_expired_crl = allow_expired_crl.into();
pub fn allow_bad_md_hash(mut self, allow_bad_md_hash: bool) -> Self {
self.ctx.raw_cfg.allow_bad_md_hash = allow_bad_md_hash.into();
pub fn allow_short_rsa_length(mut self, allow_short_rsa_length: bool) -> Self {
self.ctx.raw_cfg.allow_short_rsa_length = allow_short_rsa_length.into();
impl<'a, KTY: KeyType, V: CertVerificationMode> PkiRpkContextBuilder<'a, KTY, V> {
pub fn sni_key_provider(mut self, sni_key_provider: impl PkiRpkSniKeyProvider<KTY> + 'a) -> Self {
self.ctx.sni_key_provider = Some(Box::new(sni_key_provider));
self.ctx.raw_cfg.validate_sni_call_back = Some(dtls_pki_sni_callback::<KTY>);
pub fn build(self) -> PkiRpkContext<'a, KTY> {
let ctx = Rc::new(RefCell::new(self.ctx));
let mut ctx_borrow = ctx.borrow_mut();
if ctx_borrow.raw_cfg.validate_cn_call_back.is_some() {
ctx_borrow.raw_cfg.cn_call_back_arg = Rc::downgrade(&ctx).into_raw() as *mut c_void;
if ctx_borrow.raw_cfg.validate_sni_call_back.is_some() {
ctx_borrow.raw_cfg.sni_call_back_arg = Rc::downgrade(&ctx).into_raw() as *mut c_void;
PkiRpkContext { inner: ctx }
struct PkiRpkContextInner<'a, KTY: KeyType> {
raw_cfg: Box<coap_dtls_pki_t>,
provided_keys: Vec<Box<dyn KeyDef<KeyType = KTY> + 'a>>,
provided_key_descriptors: Vec<*mut coap_dtls_key_t>,
cn_callback: Option<CnCallback<'a>>,
sni_key_provider: Option<Box<dyn PkiRpkSniKeyProvider<KTY> + 'a>>,
client_sni: Option<Box<[u8]>>,
impl<KTY: KeyType> Debug for PkiRpkContextInner<'_, KTY> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
&format!("(does not implement Debug), address: {:p}", self.raw_cfg),
.field("provided_keys", &self.provided_keys)
"(values do not implement Debug), length: {}",
.field("cn_callback", &"(value does not implement Debug)")
.field("sni_key_provider", &"(value does not implement Debug)")
.field("client_sni", &self.client_sni)
impl<KTY: KeyType> Drop for PkiRpkContextInner<'_, KTY> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
for key_ref in std::mem::take(&mut self.provided_key_descriptors).into_iter() {
unsafe {
if !self.raw_cfg.cn_call_back_arg.is_null() {
unsafe {
Weak::from_raw(self.raw_cfg.cn_call_back_arg as *mut RefCell<Self>);
if !self.raw_cfg.sni_call_back_arg.is_null() {
unsafe {
Weak::from_raw(self.raw_cfg.sni_call_back_arg as *mut RefCell<Self>);
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct PkiRpkContext<'a, KTY: KeyType> {
inner: Rc<RefCell<PkiRpkContextInner<'a, KTY>>>,
impl<KTY: KeyType> PkiRpkContext<'_, KTY> {
pub(crate) unsafe fn create_raw_session(
ctx: &mut CoapContext<'_>,
addr: &CoapAddress,
proto: coap_proto_t,
) -> Result<NonNull<coap_session_t>, SessionCreationError> {
let mut inner = (*self.inner).borrow_mut();
NonNull::new(unsafe {
unsafe fn apply_to_context(&self, mut ctx: NonNull<coap_context_t>) -> Result<(), ContextConfigurationError> {
let mut inner = self.inner.borrow_mut();
match unsafe { coap_context_set_pki(ctx.as_mut(), inner.raw_cfg.as_mut()) } {
1 => Ok(()),
_ => Err(ContextConfigurationError::Unknown),
impl<'a, KTY: KeyType> PkiRpkContext<'a, KTY> {
#[cfg_attr(not(feature = "dtls-pki"), allow(unused_variables))]
fn cn_callback(
cn: &CStr,
asn1_public_cert: &[u8],
session: &CoapSession,
depth: c_uint,
validated: bool,
) -> c_int {
let inner = (*self.inner).borrow();
if match inner.cn_callback.as_ref().unwrap() {
#[cfg(feature = "dtls-pki")]
CnCallback::Pki(pki) => pki.validate_cn(cn, asn1_public_cert, session, depth, validated),
#[cfg(feature = "dtls-rpk")]
CnCallback::Rpk(rpk) => rpk.validate_rpk(asn1_public_cert, session, validated),
} {
} else {
fn sni_callback(&self, sni: &CStr) -> *mut coap_dtls_key_t {
let mut inner = self.inner.borrow_mut();
let key = inner.sni_key_provider.as_ref().unwrap().key_for_sni(sni);
if let Some(key) = key {
let key_ref = Box::into_raw(Box::new(key.as_raw_dtls_key()));
} else {
unsafe fn from_raw(raw_ctx: *const RefCell<PkiRpkContextInner<'a, KTY>>) -> Self {
assert!(!raw_ctx.is_null(), "provided raw DTLS PKI context was null");
let inner_weak = Weak::from_raw(raw_ctx);
let inner = inner_weak
.expect("provided DTLS PKI context was already dropped!");
let _ = Weak::into_raw(inner_weak);
PkiRpkContext { inner }
enum CnCallback<'a> {
#[cfg(feature = "dtls-pki")]
Pki(Box<dyn PkiCnValidator + 'a>),
#[cfg(feature = "dtls-rpk")]
Rpk(Box<dyn RpkValidator + 'a>),
pub trait PkiRpkSniKeyProvider<KTY: KeyType> {
fn key_for_sni(&self, sni: &CStr) -> Option<Box<dyn KeyDef<KeyType = KTY>>>;
impl<KTY: KeyType, T: Fn(&CStr) -> Option<Box<dyn KeyDef<KeyType = KTY>>>> PkiRpkSniKeyProvider<KTY> for T {
fn key_for_sni(&self, sni: &CStr) -> Option<Box<dyn KeyDef<KeyType = KTY>>> {
unsafe extern "C" fn dtls_pki_cn_callback<KTY: KeyType>(
cn: *const c_char,
asn1_public_cert: *const u8,
asn1_length: usize,
session: *mut coap_session_t,
depth: c_uint,
validated: c_int,
arg: *mut c_void,
) -> c_int {
let session = CoapSession::from_raw(session);
let cn = CStr::from_ptr(cn);
let asn1_public_cert = std::slice::from_raw_parts(asn1_public_cert, asn1_length);
let validated = validated == 1;
let context = PkiRpkContext::from_raw(arg as *const RefCell<PkiRpkContextInner<KTY>>);
context.cn_callback(cn, asn1_public_cert, &session, depth, validated)
unsafe extern "C" fn dtls_pki_sni_callback<KTY: KeyType>(sni: *const c_char, arg: *mut c_void) -> *mut coap_dtls_key_t {
let sni = CStr::from_ptr(sni);
let context = PkiRpkContext::from_raw(arg as *const RefCell<PkiRpkContextInner<KTY>>);