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// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
* Copyright © The libcoap-rs Contributors, all rights reserved.
* This file is part of the libcoap-rs project, see the README file for
* general information on this project and the and LICENSE files
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* crypto/psk/ - Interfaces and types for client-side PSK support in libcoap-rs.
use std::{
ffi::{c_char, c_void, CString, NulError},
rc::{Rc, Weak},
use libcoap_sys::{
coap_dtls_cpsk_info_t, coap_dtls_cpsk_t, coap_new_client_session_psk2, coap_proto_t, coap_session_t,
use crate::{
crypto::psk::key::PskKey, error::SessionCreationError, session::CoapClientSession, types::CoapAddress, CoapContext,
/// Builder for a client-side DTLS encryption context for use with pre-shared keys (PSK).
pub struct ClientPskContextBuilder<'a> {
ctx: ClientPskContextInner<'a>,
impl<'a> ClientPskContextBuilder<'a> {
/// Creates a new context builder with the given `key` as the default key to use.
/// # Implementation details (informative, not covered by semver guarantees)
/// Providing a raw public key will set `psk_info` to the provided key in the underlying
/// [`coap_dtls_cpsk_t`] structure.
pub fn new(psk: PskKey<'a>) -> Self {
Self {
ctx: ClientPskContextInner {
raw_cfg: Box::new(coap_dtls_cpsk_t {
reserved: Default::default(),
ec_jpake: 0,
use_cid: 0,
validate_ih_call_back: None,
ih_call_back_arg: std::ptr::null_mut(),
client_sni: std::ptr::null_mut(),
psk_info: psk.into_raw_cpsk_info(),
key_provider: None,
provided_keys: Vec::new(),
client_sni: None,
/// Sets the key provider that provides pre-shared keys based on the PSK hint received by the
/// server.
/// # Implementation details (informative, not covered by semver guarantees)
/// Setting a `key_provider` will set the `validate_ih_call_back` of the underlying
/// [`coap_dtls_cpsk_t`] to a wrapper function, which will then call the key provider.
/// Keys returned by the key provider will be stored in the context for at least as long as they
/// are used by the respective session.
pub fn key_provider(mut self, key_provider: impl ClientPskHintKeyProvider<'a> + 'a) -> Self {
self.ctx.key_provider = Some(Box::new(key_provider));
self.ctx.raw_cfg.validate_ih_call_back = Some(dtls_psk_client_ih_callback);
/// Consumes this builder to construct the resulting PSK context.
pub fn build(self) -> ClientPskContext<'a> {
let ctx = Rc::new(RefCell::new(self.ctx));
let mut ctx_borrow = ctx.borrow_mut();
if ctx_borrow.raw_cfg.validate_ih_call_back.is_some() {
ctx_borrow.raw_cfg.ih_call_back_arg = Rc::downgrade(&ctx).into_raw() as *mut c_void;
ClientPskContext { inner: ctx }
impl<'a> From<ClientPskContext<'a>> for crate::crypto::ClientCryptoContext<'a> {
fn from(value: ClientPskContext<'a>) -> Self {
impl ClientPskContextBuilder<'_> {
/// Enables or disables support for EC JPAKE ([RFC 8236](
/// key exchanges in (D)TLS.
/// Note: At the time of writing (based on libcoap 4.3.5), this is only supported on MbedTLS,
/// enabling EC JPAKE on other DTLS backends has no effect.
/// # Implementation details (informative, not covered by semver guarantees)
/// Equivalent to setting `ec_jpake` in the underlying [`coap_dtls_cpsk_t`] structure.
pub fn ec_jpake(mut self, ec_jpake: bool) -> Self {
self.ctx.raw_cfg.ec_jpake = ec_jpake.into();
/// Enables or disables use of DTLS connection IDs ([RFC 9146](
/// # Implementation details (informative, not covered by semver guarantees)
/// Equivalent to setting `use_cid` in the underlying [`coap_dtls_cpsk_t`] structure.
#[cfg(feature = "dtls-cid")]
pub fn use_cid(mut self, use_cid: bool) -> Self {
self.ctx.raw_cfg.use_cid = use_cid.into();
/// Sets the server name indication that should be sent to servers if the built
/// [`ClientPskContext`] is used.
/// `client_sni` should be convertible into a byte string that does not contain null bytes.
/// Typically, you would provide a `&str` or `String`.
/// # Errors
/// Will return [`NulError`] if the provided byte string contains null bytes.
/// # Implementation details (informative, not covered by semver guarantees)
/// Equivalent to setting `client_sni` in the underlying [`coap_dtls_cpsk_t`] structure.
/// The provided `client_sni` will be converted into a `Box<[u8]>`, which will be owned and
/// stored by the built context.
pub fn client_sni<T: Into<Vec<u8>>>(mut self, client_sni: T) -> Result<Self, NulError> {
// For some reason, client_sni is not immutable here.
// While I don't see any reason why libcoap would modify the string, it is not strictly
// forbidden for it to do so, so simply using CString::into_raw() is not an option (as it
// does not allow modifications to client_sni that change the length).
let sni = CString::new(client_sni.into())?
self.ctx.client_sni = Some(sni);
self.ctx.raw_cfg.client_sni = self.ctx.client_sni.as_mut().unwrap().as_mut_ptr() as *mut c_char;
/// Client-side encryption context for PSK-based (D)TLS sessions.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct ClientPskContext<'a> {
/// Inner structure of this context.
inner: Rc<RefCell<ClientPskContextInner<'a>>>,
impl ClientPskContext<'_> {
/// Returns a pointer to the PSK to use for a given `identity_hint` and `session`, or
/// [`std::ptr::null()`] if the provided identity hint and/or session are unacceptable.
/// The returned pointer is guaranteed to remain valid as long as the underlying
/// [`ClientPskContextInner`] is not dropped.
/// As the [`ClientPskContext`] is also stored in the [`CoapClientSession`] instance, this
/// implies that the pointer is valid for at least as long as the session is.
/// **Important:** After the underlying [`ClientPskContextInner`] is dropped, the returned
/// pointer will no longer be valid and should no longer be dereferenced.
fn ih_callback(
identity_hint: Option<&[u8]>,
session: &CoapClientSession<'_>,
) -> *const coap_dtls_cpsk_info_t {
let mut inner = (*self.inner).borrow_mut();
let key = inner
.key_for_identity_hint(identity_hint, session);
if let Some(key) = key {
let boxed_key_info = Box::new(key.into_raw_cpsk_info());
let boxed_key_ptr = Box::into_raw(boxed_key_info);
// TODO remove these entries prematurely if the underlying session is removed (would
// require modifications to the client session drop handler).
} else {
/// Creates a raw CoAP session object that is bound to and utilizes this encryption context.
/// # Safety
/// This [`ClientPskContext`] must outlive the returned [`coap_session_t`].
pub(crate) unsafe fn create_raw_session(
ctx: &mut CoapContext<'_>,
addr: &CoapAddress,
proto: coap_proto_t,
) -> Result<NonNull<coap_session_t>, SessionCreationError> {
// SAFETY: self.raw_context is guaranteed to be valid, local_if can be null,
// raw_cfg is of valid format (as constructed by the builder).
let mut inner = (*self.inner).borrow_mut();
NonNull::new(unsafe {
impl<'a> ClientPskContext<'a> {
/// Restores a [`ClientPskContext`] from a pointer to its inner structure (i.e., from the
/// user-provided pointer given to DTLS callbacks).
/// # Panics
/// Panics if the given pointer is a null pointer or the inner structure was already dropped.
/// # Safety
/// The provided pointer must be a valid reference to a [`RefCell<ClientPskContextInner>`]
/// instance created from a call to [`Weak::into_raw()`].
unsafe fn from_raw(raw_ctx: *const RefCell<ClientPskContextInner<'a>>) -> Self {
assert!(!raw_ctx.is_null(), "provided raw DTLS PSK client context was null");
let inner_weak = Weak::from_raw(raw_ctx);
let inner = inner_weak
.expect("provided DTLS PSK client context was already dropped!");
let _ = Weak::into_raw(inner_weak);
ClientPskContext { inner }
/// Inner structure of a client-side PSK context.
struct ClientPskContextInner<'a> {
/// Raw configuration object.
raw_cfg: Box<coap_dtls_cpsk_t>,
/// User-supplied key provider.
key_provider: Option<Box<dyn ClientPskHintKeyProvider<'a> + 'a>>,
/// Store for `coap_dtls_cpsk_info_t` instances that we provided in previous identity hint
/// callback invocations.
/// The stored pointers *must* all be created from [`Box::into_raw`].
/// Using `Vec<coap_dtls_cpsk_info_t>` instead is not an option, as a `Vec` resize may cause the
/// instances to be moved to a different place in memory, invalidating pointers provided to
/// libcoap.
provided_keys: Vec<*mut coap_dtls_cpsk_info_t>,
/// Server Name Indication to send to servers.
client_sni: Option<Box<[u8]>>,
impl Drop for ClientPskContextInner<'_> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
for provided_key in std::mem::take(&mut self.provided_keys).into_iter() {
// SAFETY: Vector has only ever been filled by instances created from to_raw_cpsk_info.
unsafe {
if !self.raw_cfg.ih_call_back_arg.is_null() {
// SAFETY: If we set this, it must have been a call to Weak::into_raw with the correct
// type.
unsafe {
Weak::from_raw(self.raw_cfg.ih_call_back_arg as *mut RefCell<Self>);
unsafe {
// SAFETY: Pointer should not have been changed by anything else and refers to a CPSK
// info instance created from DtlsPsk::into_raw_cpsk_info().
/// Trait for types that can provide the appropriate pre-shared key for a given PSK hint sent by the
/// server.
pub trait ClientPskHintKeyProvider<'a>: Debug {
/// Returns the appropriate pre-shared key for a given `identity_hint` and the given `session`,
/// or `None` if the session should be aborted/no key is available.
fn key_for_identity_hint(
identity_hint: Option<&[u8]>,
session: &CoapClientSession<'_>,
) -> Option<PskKey<'a>>;
impl<'a, T: Debug> ClientPskHintKeyProvider<'a> for T
T: AsRef<PskKey<'a>>,
/// Returns the key if the supplied `identity_hint` is `None` or the key's identity matches the
/// hint.
fn key_for_identity_hint(
identity_hint: Option<&[u8]>,
_session: &CoapClientSession<'_>,
) -> Option<PskKey<'a>> {
let key = self.as_ref();
if identity_hint.is_none() || key.identity() == identity_hint {
} else {
/// Raw PSK identity hint callback that can be provided to libcoap.
/// # Safety
/// This function expects the arguments to be provided in a way that libcoap would when invoking
/// this function as an identity hint callback.
/// Additionally, `arg` must be a valid argument to [`ClientPskContext::from_raw`].
unsafe extern "C" fn dtls_psk_client_ih_callback(
hint: *mut coap_str_const_t,
session: *mut coap_session_t,
userdata: *mut c_void,
) -> *const coap_dtls_cpsk_info_t {
let session = CoapClientSession::from_raw(session);
let client_context = ClientPskContext::from_raw(userdata as *const RefCell<ClientPskContextInner>);
let provided_identity =
NonNull::new(hint).map(|h| std::slice::from_raw_parts((*h.as_ptr()).s, (*h.as_ptr()).length));
client_context.ih_callback(provided_identity, &session)